We can divide the Adaptive Recognition portfolio into 3 categories:
1. Document scanners – ID Readers
2. Dedicated cameras for ANPR and radar
3. Software based on the OCR engine – CARMEN®.
Document scanners from Adaptive Recognition are some of the best performers in the world. The Osmond model is our performance benchmark.
In Romania we can be proud of renowned partners such as: Banca Transilvania, BCR, BRD, Regina Maria and many others. Read the case study here!

The dedicated ANPR cameras we supply are used in numerous projects in Romania among which we list: the National System of Weighing in Motion at key customs crossing points and the National System of Rovinieta.

3Software based on the OCR engine – CARMEN®. It is used for automatic number plate recognition (ANPR/LPR) and vehicle make and model recognition (MMR) from video streams.
There are several versions of CARMEN software including: Carmen Freelflow, Carmen GO, Carmen ADR, Carmen OCR for containers / railways / commercial vehicles. See the case study here!

Please contact us for more details. The dedicated Adaptive Recognition team at Elsaco Solutions is at your disposal for any project.
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